
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

British Raj to Inglish Raj

In an unprecedented move the central government embroiled in myriad allegations of scandals; displayed its gimmickry with its set of cards. The trump card being a suicidal move; a move intended not to kill thyself, but the voters who foolishly voted them to power.

The tricks include, inviting the white man’s descendants to invest not in one but many John companies, selling the properties of our grandchildren’s, taxing the common man Inglish style .The English firangi taxed our forefather’s salt, but our desi ‘Inglish Raj’ taxed our chulas.

These anti-people measures were further substantiated by a 13 point quarter page reasoning by the petroleum ministry in various national and vernacular dailies. (If the first move hasn’t cut a deep wound, then take the salt. Of course you paid for the salt from your taxes.) The taxpayer paid advertisement solicited alternatives to meet the crisis. We explore a few missed alternatives here.

The excuse, 74% of our crude oil is imported at international rates. May be true, but who refines them? When PSU’s OMC’s are making losses, why is Ambani Sr the richest man in India? How many of remaining 26% of oil rigs are under the control of GOI?

Indian rupee sharply depreciated against the rupee. Had we had honest ministers, we could have mopped up windfall revenues on spectrum and our coal reserves. The money earned could have been transformed into gold by RBI, rupee could have appreciated and net importing country like India would have reaped enormous benefits.

The state Governments charge more taxes than the central Government, Classic case of- Passing the buck. Why double tax a single commodity? When the petroleum products are taxed at the source, why other taxes of different names? Why not a single tax by a single statutory department?

44 % of LPG consumers consume only 6 cylinders per annum. How many of them consume less than 9 cylinders? Austerity should start from the palace. Why not cancel the cylinder and petroleum bunk licenses cornered by politicians? Why the Fuel/ Transport perk of the politician is never disturbed?

If revenue increase by increase in taxation is only way out, one wonders why do we need a hoard of imported NRI ‘western moles’ as economists in various advisory panels and even at RBI boards?

 Decades ago when Prime Ministers of India lived on their salaries they bought their cars using car loans; our present day municipal councilors buy their cars with hot cash. God knows what their salaries and perks are? One simple suggestion that can stabilize the price is, ‘let the politician pay the state for all his private travel expenses’. Why should the IAF ferry Rahul Gandhi? Let him pay and many others like him pay the state for their extra constitutional and private visits. It is not Indian society that must realize the PNG burden but the Inglish Neta should.